Working to Actively Enhance Public Health & Safety

Emergency Notification

Chairperson: Julie Cavallero, Office of Sheriff

Phone: (925) 313-9635 |

Meets monthly on the last Tuesday at 11 a.m.

The Mission of the CAER Emergency Notification Team is to improve emergency notification, including the Community Warning System and other mechanisms used to make timely and consistent notifications to agencies and the community, during an industrial incident. The Committee will identify problems associated with emergency notifications and establish/ recommend policy for hazardous material incidents.


  • Work with Contra Costa County in refining the Notification Policy
  • Review public notification after a Level 2 or 3 incident for learning – tools, messages, siren sounding
  • Assist the facilities without CWS equipment in hazardous materials release notifications
  • Monitor and improve the model-training program for the CWS
  • New notification/ alert technology review
  • Regular drills and exercises
  • Facilitate and improve interface among emergency responders dealing with notification of hazardous material incidents
  • Develop a process for reclassifying an incident
  • Increase stakeholder participation